Creative-Theology® Discussion [see]

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8/02/2013 7:22 pm  #1

Success is not required

In Creative-TheolgyTM, the goal is not success: it's to try.

If you try, God see it and applauds.  What greater reward could there be?

No matter what we do that "succeeds" it is destroyed by generational momentum and time.

Only in the eyes of God can we find true success.

This is what I've labelled in other places as: "Defeating the tyranny of Success."



7/05/2019 1:10 pm  #2

Re: Success is not required

I do not see a Condition Inspection requirement in the FAR. Would be kind enought to educate me and provide that FAR #?


7/09/2019 12:24 pm  #3

Re: Success is not required

To be honest, this is what I was expecting too. I was curious if it was happening in other parts of the country


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