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1/05/2012 7:54 pm  #1

Truth is not just what I know now

What I know right now may be true.  However, it may not be all the truth. 

A key concept of Creative-TheologyTM is that all truth is "multi-dimensional"...i.e. that there is always a higher, a deeper, a wider, a more-complex, and a more-substantial aspect to explore of all subjects and all things.  This realization engenders a profound humility. 

It does not invalidate what I know now---rather opens my eyes to even more wonderful and amazing aspects of all things of interest to me!  Yes, it's quite comforting to "know all the answers."  But knowing all the answers can be very boring!  Instead of an amazing journey with new wonders parading across my gaze each and every day, I sit in my cave and contemplate the ever-the-same stone walls.

So knowing Truth as an ever-deeper, higher, wider, more complex, and more-substantial exploration helps me savor the Journey!



7/09/2012 10:47 am  #2

Re: Truth is not just what I know now

i.e. the world is flat.  That's true.  For any of us walking around on the surface of the world, it is flat.  We don't worry about rolling off a rounded edge.  We build buildings that are flat.  It's only when you get up high enough (as in a jet) that you can see a curve to the horizon.  So the world is ALSO round.  But then again, it's also a sphere---as you can see from standing on the surface of the moon and looking back at the earth.  And then again, the world is ALSO a spiral---as you could see from outside the solar system at a fixed point in space as the sun moves quickly, dragging the circling sun along with it.

So it depends on one's perspective the slice of Truth that we perceive: which does not invalidate what we knew earlier, just EXPANDING our awareness.


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1/14/2013 2:14 pm  #3

Re: Truth is not just what I know now

Along the path I saw a stone
unlike all others in my path
a mixture of diamond, gold, and ruby
gleaming and glittering in the sun
or was it just a trick of the mind
or Mother Nature having some fun?

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1/25/2013 11:28 am  #4

Re: Truth is not just what I know now

I am sorry, that I interrupt you, but it is necessary for me little bit more information.


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