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10/15/2012 11:02 am  #1

Continual Learning and Facilitation Level

An expert Facilitator soon learns that she or he knows not everything!

Yep, like everything else, the wise Facilitator is a CONTINUAL LEARNER: including reading new books on the topic, learning from new experiences, and gaining a deeper understanding of one's self.

I like to divide Facilitation, especially for church work, into three levels: 1) Basic (for small group facilitation), 2) Intermediate (for a group composed of groups...i.e. leadership of a congregation of like-minded believers), and 3) Advanced (for regional or world-wide facilitation of two or more congregations).

Helpful requirements and tools for achieving these levels are at:

Like anything, the best motivation is personal----in which you as a Faciliator (and especially myself as a Facilitator) never reach the level of "knowing it all": but are constantly looking for ways to know and do better.



3/05/2014 12:23 pm  #2

Re: Continual Learning and Facilitation Level

Also, one need not be an "expert" to do good in facilitation.  One just has to have a humble attitude of mutual-learning.  Then it's easy to ask polite, respectful questions that lead to greater learning and productivity.

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