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11/25/2013 11:51 am  #1

Failure Stupidity

Persisting in the face
of persistent failure
surely paints a picture
of abject idiotic stupidity
or compulsion uncommon
not dependent on outcomes
is the true stroke of genius
or a blind plodding mule
parsing the difference
defining wisdom.

DBL, 12-25-2013


12/03/2013 9:34 pm  #2

Re: Failure Stupidity

I agree 1000%, too bad over 40% of the world does not agree.


12/05/2013 11:49 am  #3

Re: Failure Stupidity

Yes, I'd say many people don't see the value to failure and let it discourage them into stopping.  It's been said that the path to success is through failure.  Most anything doesn't work perfectly, or even at all, the first time it's tried.  It's only through continual improvement (PDSA, plan-do-study-act) that great things are eventually accomplished.  Thanks, Zantos.


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