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8/19/2013 11:52 am  #1


Gravity sucks
pulling you down
largest object winning
thoughtless and pointless
a dark, dragging well
consuming you

Thinking that ground is solid
it's only a illusive barrier
where your foot should have stopped
rushing down into the earth
no idea how deep it goes
smashed suddenly
broken bones or worse
a lifeless muddle

But powered by creativity
rockets blast into orbit
spinning easily about
or zipping away
freed from the pull
embracing space

Amazing to escape
a reality constant
if only for an eon
it's a human eternity.

DBL, 8-19-2013


12/03/2013 9:52 pm  #2

Re: Falling

I love gravity vs free flowing in space.  The thought of drifting in a frozen tomb called space really scares me but not as much as  thinking about living forever and ever.


2/12/2014 10:50 am  #3

Re: Falling

Indeed, Zantos... life on earth requires gravity... we need it... living in low or zero "G" in orbit does bad things over time to the human body...

But to float in the void must be amazing, like sky diving without end...



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