Creative-Theology® Discussion [see]

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12/11/2011 12:24 am  #1

Covert versus Overt Creative-Theology in a traditional church

In traditional churches with established hierachical leadership, set ceremonies, embedded traditions, and exacting rituals---"creativity" is often viewed not only as unwanted but actually evil! 

Therefore one must be very careful in trying to promote Godly Quality Management, even though it might be for the betterment of everyone...that it be successful and not just get you kicked out as a "trouble-maker"! 

If one is lucky enough to have far-sighted Leadership, then selected aspects of GQM can be discussed openly.  If not, then a person can try the following: 1) avoid the Quality "buzz words," 2) in one's own sphere of influence practice the methods of GQM, and 3) in looking for improvements overall focus on the Purpose, gently suggesting possible means acceptable to the leadership for better getting to where they agree that you-all are trying to go.

More specifics for covert or overt practice of Creative-TheologyTM are present in my book of that name, at:

It's not easy.  But it can be done.  Hang in there!



4/30/2012 12:20 pm  #2

Re: Covert versus Overt Creative-Theology in a traditional church

Of course tradition, ritual, and ceremonies have their place---to establish connection to the past and the future, mainly.  But if they supercede their purpose, they become negative: as inhibitors, not enablers.


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6/04/2012 4:02 pm  #3

Re: Covert versus Overt Creative-Theology in a traditional church

Also, tradition, ritual, and ceremonies can serve just as general reminders for people to be moral and kind to each other in one's group: but the point is that they can do that AND be much more.  So why not get more "bang for the buck"?  It just takes a little time to study the possibilities, find what works, and then apply the improvement(s).


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6/18/2012 11:31 am  #4

Re: Covert versus Overt Creative-Theology in a traditional church

It's not a creative way to look at theology---it's the theology of Creativity.

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7/18/2012 10:57 am  #5

Re: Covert versus Overt Creative-Theology in a traditional church

God is the Creator of the Universe.  The greatest gift that God has given to us is the opportunity to exercise that Godly Creativity, within enabling bounds of RURBAH (Reason, Utility, Respect, Beauty, and Honor.)  As such, it should be our highest priority---to please God by exercising His Gift to us.


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