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6/17/2013 11:10 am  #1

Dangers of RURBAH

You'd think that RURBAH (Reason, Utility, Reason, Beauty, and Honor) would be non-controversial and accepted by all.  No.  To many religious people it is perceived as: 1) a "humanistic" simplification; 2) a threat to existing accepted Religious Laws; or 3) an evil invitation for people to think on their own versus just blindly accepting the prevailing doctrines.  So using this concept of 5 Fundamental Principles of Godliness must be done carefully, often without even referring to the above unifying word.

Sad, but true.



7/16/2013 2:50 pm  #2

Re: Dangers of RURBAH

By the way, "humanistic" means focused on us while excluding God.  "Godly" creativity definitely puts God into the equation.  However, it's not just the unknowable Mystery---in this perspective, all that makes up us humans ("humanistic") is attributed to laws of nature derived from God.  Thus, even "secular humanisms" is seen as an expression of God.

Also note that "God" here does refer to an unknowable Mystery at the heart of reality.  People can understand and define the term however they wish, but the real "God" can't be put by mere little humans into some neat, defined box.


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