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Creativity by itself---putting something where before there was nothing---can be positive, neutral, or incredibly negative. It's the difference between a nuclear power plant, a theory of nuclear power generation, or an atomic bomb blast. Godly Creativity is positive in that its boundaries are RURBAH: "Reason," "Utility," "Respect," "Beauty," and "Honor." Now to some people a nuclear power plant is not positive: rather than being a powerful generator of electricity, a source of long-lived radiation contaminating the environment. So all of RURBAH is subject to individual interpretation. However, there is an enabling framework for reasonable discussion and framing of "creativity" other than "I like it, I want it, make it," versus "I don't like it, I don't want it, don't make it."
So Godly Creativity is a tough thing to make with demanding standards.
A further clarification: I claim that us expressing our Gift of Godly Creativity is the #1 thing we can do to make our Creator happy with us. It goes far beyond honoring doctrine, ritual, ceremony, or traditions. Plus it's not the results---it's the attempt itself that's most important.
RURBAH is a very easy way to remembering HOW we try to order, control, and liberate our thoughts, words, and actions. This is very challenging. But it's also far more than just vague generalities.