Creative-Theology® Discussion [see]

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11/19/2011 9:23 pm  #1

Creative-Theology Possibilities

Creative-Theology is a new enabling religious methodology that can help existing traditional congregations better achieve their AIMs---or individuals to realize and better use their Godly Creativity.  It has the potential to change the world for the better while moving mankind closer to God: as a significant advance in the spiritual development of Mankind.  Versus the typical religion that promotes comfortable doctrines, ceremony, and tradition---CT is dangerous and difficult: AIMing at pleasing God the best by exercising together God's Creativity is dynamic and fluid.  For more on this, please refer to my book: "Creative-TheologyTM" at

Questions?  Please post and I'll answer as soon as I can.


Dan Lyle, Ph.D.
Founder, Creative-Theology


5/28/2013 11:41 am  #2

Re: Creative-Theology Possibilities

Note: for us who are Christians, I argue that Jesus would be very pleased with Creative-TheologyTM.  The Complete Jesus (see my book on The Real Jesus) contains the uncomfortable as well as comfortable Jesus.  The Uncomfortable Jesus demands that each of his followers do things that are clearly both difficult and dangerous: which offer the reward of being fun and productive (versus boring and unproductive.)


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