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Here's a way for you to say
things with resonance today
blending rhythm, rhyme, and thoughts
in free-form or strict rules matters not
but that you see the glory, pride
of blazing fires bursting forth in words
gleaned from your brimming mind
to spill down upon this empty, greedy page.
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So...please respond as you wish with comments or fresh poetry.
This is an extenuation of a previous community effort that resulted in thousands of wonderful works of word-art which I created and monitored:
Although that previous forum is archived, it can still be viewed if you'd like by going to the above link.
Here's to a fresh start here, a way for all you "Creative-Theologists" to do your sutff online, together.
One suggestion: post replies as much as you post fresh stuff and you'll truly be encouraging others as much as they encourage you!